The Board of VEVAM consists of five members, mainly directors, elected by the General Assembly. One boardmember is elected on recommendation of the directors association Dutch Directors Guild. For operational matters, VEVAM uses the services of CEDAR, a service centre working for several Dutch CMO´s, including the Dutch (screen)writers society LIRA. VEVAM is member of VOICE, a branch association for CMO´s in The Netherlands.
VEVAM is affiliated with CISAC and one of the founding members of the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA). SAA is an association of European Collective Management Societies representing audiovisual authors.


Sylvia Brandsteder – Director General
Talitha van Hattem – Team manager

Board of Directors

Willem Roos – Chairman
Jan Piet Paap - Treasurer
Stella van Voorst van Beest
Suzanne Raes
Henk van Engen